Welcome to the Eastern Synod
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
A Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Meet The ELCIC's 35+ Under 35!
The life of young Canadian Lutherans, their relationship to faith, and their relationship to Church looks different today than in previous generations. There are many Lutheran young adults who are doing significant work in the church, in the world, in their lives and in the lives of others; many of whom are not seen.
In 2018 Karen Kuhnert, Archivist and Story-keeper for the Eastern Synod, and Kristina Kuhnert, a Young Canadian Lutheran, started this archival initiative to find and showcase Thirty-five (35) Young Adults, from the Eastern Synod, who were under 35 years old. The pair published the bios on social media and brought them to Synod Assembly to show the breadth and richness that are today's young adults.
The project was highly successful and, thanks to support from YAYA, continues in 2019!
Kristina is looking to get in contact with more 17-35-year-old ELCIC Lutherans, inviting them to share their stories and experiences. If you are a Lutheran young adult or know of a Lutheran young adult that we have missed (we are sure there are lots!), email her at kristinakhn@yahoo.ca , or connect with her through the ELCIC Young Adult Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Facebook: ELCIC Young Adults
Twitter:@ElcicYoungAdult (Note: Adult not Adults on twitter)
New bios are added regularly. Don't forget to like, comment, share, and join us in celebrating!

Helpful Resources
Do you have websites or titles of resources you would like to add to this virtual library? Please send your recommendations to: Rev. Christie Morrow-Wolfe (cmorrow-wolfe@elcic.ca)
For Children
For Youth & Young Adults
Stolen Words, written by Melanie Florence, Second Press Story, 2017
When I was Eight, written by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, Annick Press, 2013
Phyllis' Orange Shirt, written by Phyllis Webstad, Medicine Wheel Education, 2019
Two activity books to teach children how to cope with grief, loss, and change: by Marge Heegaard, from Woodland Press:
When Someone VERY Special Dies, and
When Someone Has a Very Serious Illness
Families Creating a Circle of Peace; a Guide for Living the Family Pledge of Nonviolence, eds. Jim McGinnis, Ken and Gretchen Lovingood, and Jim Vogt, 1996 The Institute of Peace and Justice, St.Louis, MO
The Cardboard Shack Beneath the Bridge, Tim Huff, Castle Quay Books, 2007.
Who We Are

- Justice
- Reconciliation and right relations
- Faith development in young adults and children
- Youth, young adults and their families, as they explore the journey they are on
- Support opportunities for young people to attend camp and other events such as the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering (CLAY)
and a whole bunch of other things.
We believe in empowering youth on the local level to pursue ministry initiatives that are educational, meaningful, life-giving, faith-fulfilling, pursue justice and are just plain FUN. Please see the 'how to apply for a ministry grant' section on this website for more information.
upcoming events!
2022 Eastern Synod Climate Conversations
Come be part of the dialogue! Contact Christie for more info: cmorrow-wolfe@elcic.ca
Follow Bridges VBS on Facebook or see the website: bridgesvbs.weebly.com